best cat eyes colored contact lenses for halloweenCat eye contact lenses are a result of the huge sale for these kind of lenses in the market. Inspired by the eyes of a cat, these lenses definitely adorn your eyes to give that shiny scary look with a black slit in the middle.

The cat eye lenses have already gathered fans and among the favorites for Halloween. With this demand, eye care companies launched the new set of lenses called cat eyes contacts which make them not so old. These crazy colored contacts give you the same wild look as the cat has. They are perfect to purchase for looking different at the upcoming Halloween party.

They are available in many crazy colors. Green base with tint of red, brown base with tint of green, blue base with tint of red, blue base with tint of green and many more wild combinations. They should be purchased from some good shops as eyes are most sensitive part and being carelessly will invite problems. As suggested by many users, cat eyes contacts make you feel uncomfortable at times. Slits for vision are smaller than normal irises and they do impede with vision potential of eye. Problem increases particularly when UV light enters your eyes particularly in the night club. The glow is reflected back into the contact lenses which results in the glowing of yellow lines at the sides of vision.

Special FX contacts like cat eye contact lenses are meant to be worn for a couple of hours at a time. They usually are not as comfortable as compared to normal contact lenses. They restrict the vision when user comes in dimly lit areas. Reason for this phenomenon is that the pupils get dilated and get bigger than the slit in the lenses. These Halloween contact lenses are quiet expensive and cheap pairs can be hardly found. If you have to buy an expensive pair for an occasion, trust us, they are worth the look. They are generally good for a two hour party but one can’t choose them for whole day.  One needs not to refer the doctor for buying these types of contact lenses. Hence, proper search is demanded for getting true pair of cat eye contact lenses.

Inserting a Cat’s Eyes Contacts on YouTube:

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